Published Papers

  1. Davis, W., Musaddiq, T., and D. Kreisman “The Effect of Free School Meals on BMI and Student Attendance" Education Finance and Policy (Forthcoming)

  2. Davis, W., and D. Meadowcroft “Understanding the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Operations and Patient Success: Evidence from Mississippi” Substance Abuse Research and Treatment (2022)

  3. Sung, J. Qiu Q., Davis, W., and R. Tchernis “Design and Application of an Area-Level Suicide Risk Index with Spatial Correlation” Social Indicators Research (2021).

  4. Davis, W., Gordan, A. and R. Tchernis “Measuring the Spatial Distribution of County Health in the United States” Health Economics (2021).

  5. Qiu, Q., Sung, J., Davis, W., Tchernis, R., “Using Spatial Factor Analysis to Measure Human Development”, Journal of Development Economics (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2017.12.007.


Working Papers

  1. Davis, W., Qiu, Q., and J. Sung “The Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Bodyweight Status and Lifestyle Behaviors among US Adults: Evidence from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2018-2020" (Revise and Resubmit: Southern Economic Journal).

  2. Tribble, AG., Davis, W., and D. Thompson “Forms of Insecurity and their Effects on Xenophobia: An Analysis of World Values Survey Data".

  3. Davis, W. “Should Kids Have Their School Lunch and Eat it Too? Estimating the Effect of Universal Free School Meals on Child Health".

  4. Davis, W., and T. Musaddiq “Estimating the Effects of Subsidized School Meals on Child Health: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision in Georgia Schools".

  5. Davis, W., Gregory, C., Xilau, J., and R. Tchernis “A Flexible Model of Food Security: Estimation and Implications for Prediction".

Research Funding

  1. Co-Principle Investigator, CIDA Mississippi Horizons Health Economics Program Sub-Award. SAMHSA. (MSU Sub-Award: $84,372; Total Project Funding: $6,000,000) (Sep 2022-Sep 2023).

  2. Principle Investigator, Understanding the Relationship between Broadband Access, Telehealth Utilization, and Population Health: Evidence from Mississippi. University of Mississippi Medical Center. ($40,000) (Jan 2022-Dec 2022)

  3. Co-Principle Investigator, New Beginnings for Choctaw Tribal Students. United States Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Collaborators: Mariah Morgan in the Extension Center for Technology Outreach at Mississippi State University, Rasheda Boddie-Forbes in the Holmes Cultural Diversity Center at Mississippi State University, Gabe Miller in the Department of Sociology at Mississippi State University, and Anna Grace Tribble in the department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures at Mississippi State University. ($249,996) (Sep 2021-Aug 2025)

  4. Co-Principle Investigator, Complexity-Aware Research and Learning of the McGovern Dole School Meals Program in Africa. United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service. Collaborators: Gina Rico Mendez, Sheena Gardner, and Ismail Yigit in the Social Science Research Center at Mississippi State University, Daniel Petrolia in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Mississippi State University, Terezie Tolar-Peterson in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion at Mississippi State University, and Anna Grace Tribble in the Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures at Mississippi State University ($618,944) (Apr 2021 –May 2022)

  5. Principle Investigator, MAFES Strategic Research Initiative. Mississippi State University. Collaborators: David Buys in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion at Mississippi State University ($34,360) (Jan 2021 – Jun 2022)

  6. Co-Principle Investigator, Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program Mississippi State University. United States Department of Agriculture. Collaborators: David Buys, James Henderson, Tawnya Holliman, and Kaiti Ford in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion; and University Extension at Mississippi State University ($54,920) (Jan 2021 – Aug 2022)

Citations in the Popular Press

  1. “Free school lunch for all, meant to reduce stigma, may also keep students healthier” Chalkbeat (2018). Available:

  2. “Arizona Provision Could Result In Free Lunches for Students” NPR Member Station, KJZZ (2018). Available: